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Tagged: GHI Washington

Call for Papers: “Climate Change, Energy, and Sustainability in the Pacific Region knowledge, policies, and transfers (1970s-present)”

Date and venue: 19.-20. April, 2021, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo,  online event. Conveners: Sarah Beringer (German Historical Institute Washington D.C.), Benjamin Beuerle (German Historical Institute Moscow), Sonja Ganseforth (German Institute for Japanese...

“Analyzing the Social Life of Stereotypes” – Interview with Sören Urbansky

Today, we talk to Sören Urbansky, a research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC. Sören is a historian of Russia and China in the modern era, specializing in imperial and racial entanglements, emigration and the history of borders.

Call for Papers: “Mobilities, Exclusion, and Migrants’ Agency in the Pacific Realm in a Transregional and Diachronic Perspective”

Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, June 1-2, 2020­, convened by Albert Manke (GHI’s Regional Office at UC Berkeley) and Sören Urbansky (German Historical Institute Washington)

Historische Annäherungen an eine „Zukunftsregion“ – Der pazifische Raum und die Vermessung eines neuen Forschungsfelds

Von Simone Lässig, Albert Manke und Sören Urbansky
Ellis Island und die Freiheitsstatue gelten als Ikonen der Migrationsgeschichte, denn: Wer an „Amerika“ und die mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen denkt, die sich zwischen 1890 und 1924 auf den Weg in die neue Welt aufmachten, hat sie sofort vor dem inneren Auge.

Submodule 1b: “Interaction and Knowledge in the Pacific Region: Entanglements and Disentanglements”

In the second research group the GHI Moscow, the GHI Washington with its Pacific Regional Office Berkeley, the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) in Tokyo with its research group in Singapore and the...